Whoops: Adding comments URL (was Re: Social impact of annotations?)

Forgot the url. It's


At 01:04 PM 10/30/98 -0500, you wrote:
>You might want to have a look at my "Adding Comments to the Web" paper,
>which talks a lot about social impact of annotations technologies. It's not
>exactly a  cautious study of possibilities. (Okay- it's a
>foaming-at-the-mouth rant) But it might be of use.
>I'd be really interested in hearing what conclusions you come to about the
>related-link feature. It sounds really interesting from what little I've
>read, but I haven't had a chance to find out much about it.
>			- Misha
>At 12:42 PM 10/30/98 -0500, you wrote:
>>(This list has not been very active lately; let me know if discussion
>>of Web annotations has migrated to a different forum and I can repost
>>my question there.)
>>What, if any, will be the social impact of widely deployed third party
>>Web annotation technology?  By third party I mean annotations that do
>>not require the cooperation of the original Web Site provider.  So for
>>example, I would not consider a link that a Web Site puts up to a
>>hypermail discussion list to qualify as third party annotation.  In
>>contrast, I would consider Netscape's Related Links functionality to
>>be a kind of third party Web annotation.  
>>| Rolf Nelson (rolf@w3.org), Project Manager, W3C at MIT
>>|   "Try to learn something about everything
>>|             and everything about something."  --Huxley

Received on Friday, 30 October 1998 14:31:03 UTC