Re: getting error msg on exit on winXP machine

> We're not able to reproduce that error. for the moment. We continue to
> investigate.

Not sure if I'm getting the same error but I'm getting two issues
during shutdown which can be always reproduced:

a. Application crash

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Amaya using default home page
2. Wait for the upper right SVG animation to finish and/or open a static page;

Actual results:
Amaya shows a crashing dialog
("Amaya-CrashDuringShutdownWithStaticDocument.png" screen shot shows
some additional information).

Additional notes:
Failed workarounds attempted (and reason why):
 * Use a static HTML page as home page, closing Amaya before browsing
to any other site: checking if the could be caused by having loaded
SVG content at least once (as it was embedded in the default home
 * Use an image (PNG format), attempted as a possible workaround,
didn't work either: checking if it could have to do with the (X)HTML
rendering engine.

Operating System - Windows XP SP3
Amaya - amaya 10.1 (Jul 9 2008)

b. Runtime error while closing HTML+SVG document with active SVG animation

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Amaya using default home page
2. Quickly close "Tip of the day" dialog (if displayed) and close
application (pressing ALT+F4 twice, for example) before upper right
SVG animation is finished;

Expected results:
Amaya would simply close.

Actual results:
Amaya displays a runtime error
("Amaya-CrashDuringShutdownWithEmbeddedSVGAnimationActive.png" screen
shot shows it).

Additional notes:
Further digging showed that this seems to occur in (X)HTML with
embedded SVG and HTML+SVG (embedded through an object or similar). For
example, HTML+SVG object
displays error while closing, but opening embed SVG document directly
doesn't show the symptom (issue described in a. is shown instead).

Operating System - Windows XP SP3
Amaya - amaya 10.1 (Jul 9 2008)

Extra suggestions:
I'd suggest that the version label (of "Help"/"About Amaya" dialog
box) was made selectable so one can easily copy+paste its text
contents, instead of copying. This is often seen and somehow eases
this kind of reports. :-) Appending "preX" to version, whenever
applicable, would probably also make sense. ;-)

While/if following the previous suggestion, I take this opportunity to
suggest also making the about dialog, when displaying license, wider
and less tall. Currently height equals 954, too much for any
resolution bellow 1280x1024, which is not uncommon
("Amaya-TooTallAboutDialogWhenLicenseIsDisplayed.png" attachment shows
it). Changing the text line wrapping would easily make the dialog fit
in, say, 800x600 resolution (640x480 is probably too much asking!).
:-) I believe this was already proposed in a previous message but...

Finally, just noticed bug ED092 was filled in Amaya open bugs [1]. I'd
suggest adding a link to the mailing list message [2] in order to
provide further information (access to description, screen shot),
possibly avoiding duplicate reports! ;-)

Hope this helps,

 Helder Magalhães


Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 13:37:35 UTC