Re: Fonts for Amaya (Mac OS X)

Hi, Laurent and Irene - sorry for a late reply.

Laurent Carcone 19.09.2007 15:23:   ­  
> Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
>> Irene Vatton 11.09.2007 10:31:   ­
>>> On Monday 10 September 2007 22:59, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:

>> About the diacritical characters that we need to use, there really 
>> seems to be a bug in Amaya for Mac OS X when it comes to those 
>> characters - I tried to also test Amaya on  Windows, but as I only 
>> have emulation, I was not able to test properly. On my Windows, Amaya 
>> crashed when I pasted in combining acute accent (́). OTOH, it 
>> did seem as if it did not have any effeect on the typing.
>> The problem on Mac is that, regardless which font I use, when I use 
>> that combining acute accent, then Amaya moves the cursor away from 
>> the letter, placing it above the next letter.
>> This happens per line. So if you have many combining accute letter 
>> per line, then the cursor/typing marker will move perhaps more than 
>> one character width away from the actual typing point. It also 
>> becomes difficult to select precisely.
>> So, I really hope you can look into this issue. For myself, it is the 
>> most important bug with Amaya, right now ...
> I'm not able to reproduce this problem, I'd like some precisions:
> . what keyboard are you using ?
> . what characters are you trying to enter, using what key sequence ?
> I tried to enter accented characters with a us keyboard in the way 
> described in Help > Characters and I had no such problem (I tested on 
> version 9.55)

I have tested 9.55 and 9.53 - there is no difference in behaviour. Here 
are some more details on the bug and on my equipment etc:

    * Computer(s): PPC PowerBook and PPC iMac (i.e. not Intel)
    * Mac OS 10.4.1

It seems to be impossible to type combining characters in Amaya. If it 
had worked, then I should have been able to use e.g. the Unicode 
Hex-input keyboard. However, that is not possible. Instead, we are using 
the PopChar X from (This of course constitutes as bug 
in itself, you could say ... But this is not unique for Amaya - 
Thundebird has the same keyboard problem. Without having the same font 
problem. )

The characters in question are (and I give the official Unicode names):

   1. COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT; As UTF-16 HEX: 0x0301; As numerical HTML
      reference: ́
      numerical HTML reference: ̯

(But the behaviour should be the same in any of the combining 
diacritical of Unicode. Btw, I reccommend installing and using the free 
UnicodeChecker from - it works similar to PopChar - 
but more advanced (and less userfriendly - perhaps).

In order to show you what happens when I insert the COMBINING ACUTE 
ACCENT, I have made 3 screenshots of the opening splash screen in Amaya 
- the word Welcome. See attachments. Here I describe what you see:

   1. image: Shows hot it looked Before typing anything.
   2. image: Status after having inserted the COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
      above the 'o'. You now see that the insetion point moved a little
      to the right. Which is an error. In an Cocoa application, that
      doesn't happen.
   3. image: Status after having inserted the COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
      above the 'e'. Now you can see that the insertion point moved even

With the COMBINING INVERTED BREVE BELOW, the propblem seems even worse - 
I don't even see that letter (but with the right font, I guess I would 
at least see it - right now I am not testing that issue)

Please note, if you are unfamiliar with typing _combining_ diacritica, 
that you must first type the letter and then the diacritica.

I hope this helps you identifying the problem.
leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2007 00:49:31 UTC