Re: Amaya Won't start due to font problems

> Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
Should not be dangerous, tough it show a strange GTK installation...
> gdk-imlib ERROR: Cannot load image: /usr/share/Amaya/amaya/annot.gif
> All fallbacks failed.
> *** Amaya: irrecoverable error ***

When you start Amaya from the command line with a webpage as parameter :
#amaya test.html
(it will try to create an empty html file)
Do you get the same results ?

The probleme seems to be related to gdk-imlib, which is a subpart of gdk.
This library is supposed to handle pictures format.
Make sure it is well installed on your computer.


Received on Monday, 16 June 2003 08:50:59 UTC