Amaya handling of <object>

Some two years ago we wrote a simple page to test <object> handling.
We were anticipating generating  XHTML display code from XSLT
transform of  XML content, and wanted to make the result as robust as 

was tested against the then range of browsers, with pretty disappointing
results. Only one browser (iCab) passed the tests. Revisiting this test
some  20 months on, I found things certainly improving. Thus Netscape 6
is pretty good, and now matches  iCab. 

Assuming however that  Amaya is the gold standard,
I expected the result

(actually from Mozilla on  MacOS X, for which neither plugins nor
Java are currently enabled; a situation which  I presumed matches
Amaya precisely). 

In fact, the  latest Amaya does not perform as I had expected
(try for  yourselves)., attempting to display the plugin and  Java,
even though it cannot do either.  

Can anyone comment on whether in fact our code is wrong,
whether there is a genuine  bug in Amaya, or whether the  interpretation
is ambiguous? 


Henry Rzepa. 
+44 (0870) 132 3747 (eFax) Mobile +44 0778 6268 220 Dept. Chemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7  2AY, UK. 

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 10:17:53 UTC