Re: cannot open remote documents with Amaya 2.2 Solaris 2.5 + 2.6

In our previous episode, said:
> > Maybe there's a new firewall or proxy in your lab?
> This is exactly what I did. In the Preferences/Proxy dialog box, I indicated
> the name of the proxy server ( and the local domain name for 
> which the proxy shouldn't be used ( I also tried to indicate the
> port on which the proxy was reachable (, but that didn't
> work either. I should probably point out that I was trying to reach the 
> HTTP server that runs on my own workstation (

> As soon as I erased the proxy information, the access to my server worked ok.
> I am using plain manual proxy config. I just checked it and it works.
> So, I think the problem is not with our proxy, but with my configuring
> Amaya to use it.

Yes, the proxy configuration mechanism is quite misleading. I'll try to
simplify it for the next version.

You have to declare your proxy as follows:

My guess is that you forgot to add the "http://" string.

You can also avoid using a proxy to access your local server using the
Proxy Menu/No proxy.. entry, and setting it up as:

No need to put http://  in this case.

Thanks for the report and followup :)


Received on Wednesday, 3 November 1999 10:21:29 UTC