jump directly back to home page?

    i486-decpc-linux-gnu, X toolkit

How can I cause Amaya to show an icon or acquire a keybinding so
that I can switch back to my home page directly in one jump?

The documentation tells how to set a default home page in
`/usr/local/Thot/config/thot.ini' which I have done.  That works fine.

However, when using Amaya, I often want to switch back to that page
directly in one jump, not five or six.  (My home page serves as a
central point of a lot of the work I do.)



    Robert J. Chassell           bob@rattlesnake.com
    Rattlesnake Enterprises      http://www.rattlesnake.com

Received on Friday, 27 March 1998 20:21:16 UTC