Wrong place for thot.ini

I have compiled according to the instructions, with no options
used. Amaya runs from the build directory, but the installed version
does not. There seems to be a confusion, the thot.ini file goes to
/usr/local/share/thot/config/ following the Makefile rules, but the
program searches in /usr/config/.

Here is the output:

System wide thot.ini not found at /usr/config/thot.ini
missing environment variable THOTDIR
WARNING: cannot open file en-libdialogue
cannot find messages table

Mikael Hedin                    +46 (0)980 79176
Institutet för rymdfysik        +46 (0)980 73547 (home)
Box 812, 981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden  +46 (0)980 79050 (fax)

Received on Thursday, 13 November 1997 05:46:44 UTC