Re: Location

I think you should rather ask your question on the spidermonkey mailing 
list as it is not directly related to Amaya :

"window" is a property of the "global object" that point to itself, so 
you can either do window.location or window.location or even 

The syntax location = "http://...." and document.location is not correct 
according to this (non-normative) page  :
> It's only a question, i'm working in a browser an I've start with the 
> javascript-hell. I use spidermonkey too (binding it to python) but I 
> have a methodic dude: how to implement the 'location' object. Because:
> Is window.location
> or document.location
> or location
> or window.document.location
> and reading or writing it
> location = "http://...."
> you are doing
> location.href ="http//..."
> That's: when you assign a string to location it changes its properties 
> but still been an object that isn't an string....
> but you can threat it as string....
> crompre pas.... i dont understand
> HEEEEEEEELP needed, i going crazy
> -- 
> :wq 

Frederic WANG

Received on Friday, 23 May 2008 10:38:19 UTC