Amaya and MathML

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm a student who studying Amaya source code to find
out how a MathML script can become a Mathematical
I have some question:
1. Does all function in file MathMLbuilder.c and 
   Mathedit.c used for making the MathML document not 
   to display the MathML document?
2. In which part of the code that showed how to 
   convert a MathML script to become a Mathematical 
   expression on the screen(amaya window)?
3. i have trace the code start from menu|open and i 
   open a MathML document.But i still confuse with the

   steps on processing MathML script to become an 
   expression on the screen. Can you give me some hint

I'm waiting for your answer as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

The Fe Ping

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Received on Thursday, 1 August 2002 23:43:41 UTC