[aapi] UAI TF Meeting Agenda Tue Oct 22 2013

Agenda: Tue Oct 22, 2013

Time of meeting is 3:00 PM EDT, 12:00 Noon PDT, 19:00 UTC, duration is 1 
World Clock:

agenda: this
agenda+ Issues/Actions:
agenda+ ISSUE-612 (David) Review ia2/atk rule in group position. Should 
this really determine level based on aria-owns chain?
- David advises, "remove the requirement, or soften".  Which shall we do?

agenda+ ISSUE-616:  (All) Simulated click event triggered by keyevent.
- Same text appears in html5 spec, but is for specific html5 elements 
(e.g., <button>).
- UAIG text appears to advocate same behaviour when there is an aria 
role that corresponds to the above elements.
- Caucus suggests to remove the clause from UAIG, and re-visit for ARIA 1.1.
- Question:  same for the previous numbered item (10) in section 4.2?
- http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#keyboard-focus_tabindex

agenda+ ACTION-1175/ISSUE-564 (David) Status of ROLE_SYSTEM_TEXT in 
MSAA/IA2 column for role=heading. Any change to UAIG?
- Joseph suggested removing the following text from the MSAA+IA2 cell 
for role='heading':

> or use xml-roles

agenda+:  ACTION-1275, ACTION-1276, ACTION-1277 (All) Test cases for UAIG.
- Let's try to create the test cases during the meeting.

agenda+ Issues/Actions review/triage: 
agenda+ Bugzilla review: 
agenda+ ISSUE-486 (All) Differences in accessible name computation 
between spec and uaig.
agenda+ be done

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Channel: #aapi

Minutes from last meeting:


'A: After all, it isn't rocket science.'
'K: Right. It's merely computer science.'
              - J. D. Klaun -

Received on Monday, 21 October 2013 17:33:36 UTC