Re: ARIA integration in HTML 5

On 6/26/09 8:50 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> On Jun 26, 2009, at 11:53, Steven Faulkner wrote:
>> ARIA integration in HTML 5, to date there is no mention of ARIA in the
>> HTML 5 spec, I understand that the editor is waiting for ARIA last
>> call comments before proceeding, but there is already  1 complete
>> implementation in IE 8 and 1 pretty much complete implementation in
>> Firefox, while many of the features of HTML 5 have not been
>> implemented in any browsers as yet, so i don't understand why work
>> cannot start.
> Is there now a spec that is detailed enough so that Opera and WebKit 
> can follow without reverse engineering either IE8 or Firefox and 
> interoperate with IE8 and Firefox? That is, what's the status of the 
> Implementor's Guide?
> (For those who haven't read the main ARIA spec: The ARIA spec itself 
> doesn't cover UA implementation.)

The implementation guide is coming along well and it is our hope that it 
will be detailed enough to support great interoperability. Let us know 
if you see any gaps, and we'll make sure they are in, or get added to 
our todo list.

Unfortunately we still don't have representation from Opera and 
Webkit/Apple-Safari/Google-Chrome in the group.


Received on Friday, 26 June 2009 13:16:46 UTC