Re: summary="" in HTML5 ISSUE-32

Hi David,

On Feb 25, 2009, at 7:24 AM, David Poehlman wrote:

> in that event, it can be ignored, however, one does wonder why the  
> resistance to something so obviously benefitial is so *strong*.

I think the disagreement is over whether summary is, on the whole,  
beneficial, and whether other approaches might be more beneficial to  
all users. Your framing of the disagreement assumes the answer, and  
makes it sound like those who disagree with your technical position  
hate accessibility. Even though it is phrased more courteously than  
Robert's statement, I don't think it's helpful to discussion.

I don't have a strong opinion one way or another on summary. But it  
seems that discussion of accessibility features often gets very  
emotional and heated. I think nearly all of us in this group want to  
see a Web that is accessible to everyone. What we sometimes disagree  
on are the best means to achieve these goals. So let's try to think  
like this: "Person X has a different idea of how to best achieve  
universal access, how can I persuade them to my point of view? Or do  
they perhaps have a good point?" instead of like this: "Why is person  
X against accessibility?" That's the way we try to discuss other  
technical issues, even though often equally important goals are at  
stake. And that gives us the best chance of coming up with good  


> On Feb 25, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
> Robert J Burns wrote:
>> I say malicious since the continued repetition of the fallacious  
>> arguments seem directed at ensuring such information is not made  
>> available to visually and cognitively disabled users.
> The above statement is neither productive nor acceptable.
> - Sam Ruby
> -- 
> Jonnie Appleseed
> with his
> Hands-On Technolog(eye)s
> reducing technology's disabilities
> one byte at a time

Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2009 17:02:55 UTC