Re: Reminder: Tue 13 Aug for comments on Media tutorial

Thanks! Replies in-line.

On 8/13/2019 11:42 PM, Judy Brewer wrote:
> Shawn,
> Highlighting a few things that jumped out at me...
> *
> "Sign language is not required by most policies." I think that this statement is unclear, e.g., it is presented without context; and that it could be easily misunderstood. I think what you may mean here is that sign language may not be required in many web accessibility policies. If so, then scope the statement that way. As stated, IMO it could be misunderstood (depending on the country as for instance that sign language is not required under the US ADA, or the CVAA."

Changed to "Sign language is not required in most web accessibility policies."

> "This resource walks through" needs copyediting. Suggestion: "This resource provides a walk-through..." But overall this intro sentence could be stated more directly "This resource walks through understanding what is needed to make media accessible" for instance "This resource describes what is needed to make media accessible"

As this sentence specifically applies to project management (rather than the doing-of-it) and we want to make it feel very personally-relevant, changed to:
"This resource helps you understand how to make media accessible, whether you are outsourcing it or creating it in-house. To figure out which accessibility aspects your specific audio or video needs, for project management guidance, and to learn about standards, see Planning Audio and Video Media."

> Also, word missing "To *figure out what your specific audio or video needs*," -- "... needs are..."

This is a short version of: "To figure out what [things] your specific audio or video needs [such as captions, transcript, description, or sign language], ...

* "To figure out what your specific audio or video needs," is correct for that short version
* "... needs are..." is not right (and I don't like it grammatically)

*Yet* you are the second person to note this (+ Vicki), so it would be good to address it. Vicki is allergic to "things" and I agree it's better to find better word.

Later we say:
" Specific guidance for other aspects of making your media accessible are in the following pages: ... Captions... Transcripts... Sign Languages"
So for now I'm going with:
"To figure out which accessibility aspects your specific audio or video needs,"
(I don't really like that, though -- seems unnecessarily cumbersome...)

> "An example accessible video is on the Colors with Good Contrast page <>" ... hard to parse. Perhaps... "An example accessible video from the Colors with Good Contrast page <>

humm. "An example accessible video from the Colors with Good Contrast page." isn't a complete sentence.

Could say, "For an example accessible video, see the Colors with Good Contrast page."
But I don't want to be imperative for this.

> How about boxing off the "Example" on this page, to break up the long run of text?

I tried it and think it added too much visual complexity -- given all the bullets and the images around it.

> *
> Description not needed: This visuals in this video only support -- Typo. The visuals...


> Spell out acronyms like SEO the first time it's used, to be fair and welcoming to diverse communities including people reading this in translation.

deleted SEO. didn't find other acronyms not written out, but maybe missed? ...

> *
> Particularly in the Audio section of this page, the guidance seems very spread-out -- few words, and lots of space and scrolling to get to the next interesting bits.
> The lower part of the page (Video) where the information density is higher seems more readable.
> No specific comments otherwise.
> In general, I wish there were a way to get to the next or previous page without having to scroll all the way to the end.

I think that is most common for reviewing, and less common for regular use.

Anyway, you can use the secondary navigation (on the left in default "desktop" configuration) - and can get to it from the middle of a page using the the "Back to Top" button at the lower right.

Other options would be site-wide redesign I guess.

> * General
>   * I wasn't able to get any further in my revise tonight, but what I'm seeing looks good overall.


>   * Most of the points I'm seeing are minor, and could get picked up through a last copyediting pass.

That's now. :-)

> Good to see this coming together!



> - Judy
> On 8/10/2019 11:02 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Hi AG WG folks,
>> Here is a reminder that we would like any comments you have on the EOWG resource "Making Audio and Video Media Accessible" by
>>     *Tuesday 13 August*
>> A link to the draft and information for your review is in this GitHub issue:
>>     To AG Reviewers
>> Thanks much!
>> ~Shawn
>> On 7/24/2019 11:01 AM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>>> Dear Alastair, Andrew, Michael,
>>> EOWG has a new version of a resource on making "time-based media" (as you AG folks call it :-) accessible.
>>> Draft:
>>>      Making Audio and Video Media Accessible
>>> Status:
>>> * complete draft of all content ready for review (images still drafty and in-progress)
>>> * a few open issues (e.g., <>)
>>> * hope to go to wide-review/last call/thorough review in early August -- *after getting review from people we expect comments from, and addressing those*
>>> We would especially like AG to review the following information directly related to WCAG requirements:
>>> * WCAG Standard <>
>>> * Checklists for Audio and Video <>
>>> * in description page <>
>>> * in captions page <>
>>> * in transcripts page <>
>>> * in media player page: <>
>>> * some small sections of Accessible Audio Content and Video Content <>
>>> New GitHub issues go here: <>
>>> Could heavy-commenters review this over the next week? And then AG approve publication after we address the rest of the open comments (early August)?
>>> Thanks much in advance for helping get this resource reviewed!
>>> ~ Shawn (editor), Sharron, Brent
> -- 
> Judy Brewer
> Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
> at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
> 32 Vassar St. Room 385, MIT/CSAIL
> Cambridge MA 02139 USA

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2019 20:50:15 UTC