Translating People who use the Web

Hi w3c-translators,

Shawn Henry told me to send a notification

So here goes: I'm working on the translation of some EOWG material, namely:
"How People with Disabilities Use the Web / Stories of Web Users" located at

... and I forgot, sorry about that.

This is done with the technical guidance of Eric Eggert, CC'd, so I'm in good hands ;)

After which (since I'm almost done) I plan to translate the two accompanying documents:

·         Diverse Abilities and Barriers

·         Tools and Techniques

And voilà!

Cordialement / Kind regards
Stéphane Deschamps
Référent accessibilité - Direction Digitale - Expérience et Interface Utilisateur
mobile +33 6 37 30 65 31 (preferably text please)<>


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Received on Tuesday, 3 July 2018 16:18:58 UTC