Edit to 'Contacting WAI' to reference GitHub

Can we add the GitHUb option to this paragraph?


Suggest adding a bullet so the paragraph would look like this:

<p>To submit comments on a specific document:</p><ul>

   <li>W3C Recommendations and W3C Working Drafts have <strong>in the
Status    section</strong> an e-mail address to send comments.</li>
<li>WAI resource documents have a specific e-mail address for
submitting    comments, which is usually <strong>at the bottom of the
  document</strong>. This is usually: <a
href="mailto:wai-eo-editors@w3.org <wai-eo-editors@w3.org>"
shape="rect">wai-eo-editors@w3.org</a> (a public list)</li><li>Many
WAI resources use GitHub to capture direct feedback. Look for GitHUb
links at the bottom of the page.</li>

<li>Send e-mail to the Chair and Team contact of the working group
that    developed the document. Chair and Team contact information is
linked in    the <a href="#team" shape="rect">WAI Working Group
Contacts</a> below.</li>  <li>If you cannot determine where to send
comments, send an e-mail with the    document name in the subject line
to: <a href="mailto:wai@w3.org <wai@w3.org>"
shape="rect">wai@w3.org</a> (for WAI staff, not public) and we will
forward your message to the appropriate place.</li></ul>

Sharron Rush | Executive Director | Knowbility.org | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2016 15:22:59 UTC