Re: [For review] Scenarios page in How People with Disabilities Use the Web

Hi Shawn,

Ref: <>

Thank you for your comments. They have been addressed as per below:

On 09.03.2010 16:53, Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Ref: <>
> This is looking really good!
> A few comments from spot skimming (that is, I did not go over the entire
> page yet):
> * Mr. Yunus... has some central-field vision loss... Mr. Yunus has
> difficulty reading small text..."
> These are two different things.

Changed to "he has reduced vision ..." to better match.

> * "He prefers to enlarge the text only rather than the entire web page,
> since enlarging the entire web page distorts the images and forces him
> to scroll horizontally to read some of the text." This depends on how
> the web page is designed and on the browser and on how much he zooms.
> With the browser and zoom that I use, I rarely have a problem with
> distorted images and seldom with horizontal scrolling. I'm concerned as
> it is now, people will assume that zoom always distorts images and
> causes horizontal scrolling.

Changed to "enlarging the entire web page *on his browser* distorts the 
images" to better qualify the issue.

> * "Unfortunately Mr. Yunus discovered that many websites do not support
> text enlarging and text on the web pages starts to overlap each other as
> he increases the text size." There are two different things here. 1.
> text sized with relative units instead of absolute units. 2. hard coded
> text areas etc that result in overlapping when text size is increased.
> While I assume we don't want to go into the technical details here, I
> think it needs to be made clear that there are different issues.
> Also "many websites do not support text enlarging" makes it sound like
> there is something extra the website needed to do to support text
> resizing. Instead, can we say something more along the lines of "many
> websites are not designed to work with text resizing" or some wording
> that makes it even more clear that the website did something wrong
> instead of didn't do something extra for text resizing?
> (/me wonders how much of an issue this is in other parts of the document?)

Changed to "Unfortunately, Mr. Yunus discovered that many websites are 
not designed to support text enlarging. For instance, sometimes the text 
can not be resized or the text on the web pages starts to overlap each 
other as he increases the text size" to address the issues.

> * "are CAPTCHA images" - I think need to say a little more about what
> these are, or link to explanation.

The full text says:

Another barrier that he encounters are CAPTCHA images that he finds on 
several social networking websites. These distorted images of text are 
intended to tell computers and humans apart but Mr. Yunus can not read 
the small and distorted text, even if he enlarges the image.

I'm not sure if this is the correct document to say more. Do you have 
specific suggestions without making the text much longer?

> * "Only few websites provide alternatives to CAPTCHA images, such as
> sound files..." It's probably OK to leave this as is; however, I am
> compelled to point out that I have extreme difficult with all of the
> audio alternatives to CAPTCHA. I've tried several out of curiosity (or
> because I wasn't getting the visual one right) and have never been able
> to sufficiently distinguish the characters from the background noise. I
> suspect many older people would also have difficulty.

Changed to "Only few websites provide alternatives to CAPTCHA images 
that are more accessible to him" to avoid unintentional suggestions.

> * What about adding that sometimes there are things where the text does
> not increase at all -- such as little movie like things and big forms
> that open in a new window...

This is already one of the longest scenarios. Please also see the 
rewrite a little earlier on: "For instance, sometimes the text can not 
be resized or ..." which could also include movie captions etc.

> ---
> * "Ms. Kaseem... is deaf and recently acquired low vision so that she
> can only see small portions of a screen... she uses a screen reader to
> drive the refreshable braille display, which she reads slowly."
> - it seems highly unlikely or at least highly unusual for a teenager who
> recently lost sight to be able to read braille. in fact many people who
> are blind do not know braille, yet many of the uninformed assume that
> all people who are blind know braille. i think it would be better not to
> reinforce this misunderstanding.

Point taken but I've changed the "accountant with blindness" scenario as 
I think that people who are deaf-blind have no other option but to learn 
braille. Also changed to "legally blind" (see more below).

> - "recently acquired low vision" is a bit awkward phrasing. for one
> thing, 'acquired' often means one actively sought something, e.g.,
> bought it; for another "low vision" is a category, not a noun.

Changed to "She is deaf and recently became legally blind too, but she 
can see small portions of a screen" (see more on this below too).

> ---
> # Introduction
> - Editorial tweaks to better caution the reader that these are just a
> few examples and by no means an exhaustive listing.
> * Suggestion: add "some" or "a few" or something like that to the first
> sentence; as in: "The following scenarios illustrate how some people
> with different kinds of disabilities, including people with
> ageing-related impairments, use websites and web-based applications. "

Added "some" to the sentence as suggested.

> - /me thinking we've used the phrase "age-related", checked, yup:
> age-related = about 1,040
> ageing-related = about 183

Changed all occurrences to "age-related".

> * "these users make use of" -> "people use" (twice). Could simplify and
> shorten second two sentences into one: "The scenarios show how some
> people use assistive technologies, adaptive strategies, and
> accessibility features in websites, web browsers, and other tools."

Simplified these two sentences as suggested.

> * Second paragraph needs tersification. For example, can you delete all
> together this sentence: "They are examples of individuals engaging in
> activities that are possible using current web technologies and
> assistive technologies."?

Removed this sentence as suggested.

> reminder of somewhat similar wording around
> and also fyi:

This is intentional. Is this an issue?

> # Scenario 3: Online student who is deaf
> - Ms. Martinez is hard of hearing rather than deaf to better reflect the
> different types of hearing disabilities. * I wonder if it's confusing to
> have "deaf" in the scenario title when the persona is "hard of hearing"?

Changed to "hard of hearing" to better match the description.

> # Scenario 8: Teenager with deaf-blindness
> * I wonder if it's confusing to have "deaf-blindness" in the title when
> the persona has low vision?

As per above, changed to "legally blind". I think this is quite common 
for people who are deaf-blind. Happy to discuss as needed.

> ---
> * Minor point: The scenario titles have the disabilities except
> "Scenario 6: Retiree with aging-related conditions" It would be nice to
> list them there, too.

Changed to "Retiree with low vision, hand termor, and memory loss".

> * "art-history" -> "art history"
> * "grand children" -> "grandchildren"
> * spell check, eg mechansims


> ---
> All for now...
> ~Shawn


Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Thursday, 13 May 2010 07:20:43 UTC