Legal and policy factors-educational institutions

I've made a few suggestions in all caps. Libby

An increasing number of educational institutions (SUGGEST ADDING THE 
WORDS "and organizations"), recognizing the important role that the Web 
is playing both as a supplemental resource to classroom instruction as 
well as a primary medium for distance (SUGGEST CHANGING "DISTANCE" TO 
"ONLINE" learning, have also established requirements for accessibility 
of Web-based educational resources and online learning environments.

In some countries or regions, these requirements are part of general 
requirements for government Web sites and/or software. In other cases, 
requirements for educational institutions (SUGGEST ADDING THE WORDS "and 
organizations")may be developed separately, and may be more or less 
specific to the needs of the learnin environment.
Libby Cohen, Ed.D., ATP
Executive Director, ALLTech
Director of Research and Policy on Disabilities,
The Spurwink Institute
(207) 780 5067

Do you know that ALLTech provides assistive technology assessments for 
children, youth and adults? For more information about ALLTech, check 
our Web site at!

"The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone 
regardless of disability is an essential aspect." Tim Berners-Lee, W3C 
Director and inventor of the World Wide Web.

Received on Friday, 25 April 2003 14:08:28 UTC