comments and wishes


The following comments refer to the ua version from June 15, and not
the june 18 revision, because I guess that there are no differences
between the 2 versions. 

3.5 dependent and independent user agents. 
Why make up a new word "independent user agents" for assistive
technology? When this document hopefully will gain the status of an
w3c recommendation it will be read by many people with little or know
knowledge about assistive technology, and by using a nonstandard very
brought term like dependent user agent, we do not better the
understanding of the actual problems. Finally different places in the
guidelines it is said rather clear how this requirement helps users of a
certain type of assistive technology.

The following sentense from 3.5 I think could be interpreted to suggest that
independent agent developpers do not have to follow many of the
guidelines since they deal with issues related to dependent user

"most of the guidelines in this document apply to dependent user

6.6 table navigation. 

A really usefull feature would be one that made it possible to
retrieve the row and collumn titles without moving the focus. If you
cannot get this information or if you need to move around in the
table to find the information  a table with many columns and rows
will only be understandable for
screenreader users in the serialized version. With this feature and
keyboard navigation it will be much easier to view table contents
from the browser without having to create a serialized version.

Claus Thøgersen

Received on Friday, 19 June 1998 09:36:56 UTC