Auto-Tabbing - Is this ever allowed?

I have worked in the past with a reputable Third Party Accessibility Vendor that has advised auto-tabbing should never be allowed for a form with input fields such as an online application.  The application would have multiple input fields such as First Name, Last Name, Address, phone number, SSN, etc.  I realize that if the user isn't advised the form will auto tab they can end up multiple fields down the form instead of moving to the next field as they don't realize the form has auto-tabbed.  

I understand auto-tabbing without notification is considered a violation of: 

3.2.2 On Input: Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context unless the user has been advised of the behavior before using the component. (Level A)

The development team wants to add auto-tabbing back into the application form.  What is the industry best practice?  I would like to get input from those on the list about auto-tabbing. I am receiving significant push back to add this tabbing back into the form and would like to advise accurately.

Thanks in Advance,

Mary Wishnew  

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2015 15:41:25 UTC