RE: How important is aria-hidden, when already hidden with CSS?

I’d recommend not using aria-hidden if you are already using display:none, for the same reason that you should not use role=link on a link, or role=button on a button, because all are already accessible and natively supported by ATs without these.


From: Mitchell Evan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 4:43 PM
Subject: How important is aria-hidden, when already hidden with CSS?


I have content with CSS display:none; visibility:hidden. The WAI-ARIA spec says add aria-hidden, to ensure support support for assistive technologies (AT) that access the DOM directly.


For practical accessibility: which AT accesses the DOM directly?


For conformance: is the CSS alone enough to meet WCAG success criteria?



Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 01:06:53 UTC