RE: How important is aria-hidden, when already hidden with CSS?

Ø  For practical accessibility: which AT accesses the DOM directly?

JAWS is one screen reader that does use the DOM in addition to accessibility APIs.

Ø  For conformance: is the CSS alone enough to meet WCAG success criteria?

Your technique needs to meet the SC and be accessibility supported -- then you have a strong case to state you have met the guidelines.  To my knowledge using ARIA or any other specific techniques are not required to meet the guidelines as long as the criteria is met in an accessible manner.


From: Mitchell Evan []
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2014 7:43 PM
Subject: How important is aria-hidden, when already hidden with CSS?

I have content with CSS display:none; visibility:hidden. The WAI-ARIA spec says add aria-hidden, to ensure support support for assistive technologies (AT) that access the DOM directly.

For practical accessibility: which AT accesses the DOM directly?

For conformance: is the CSS alone enough to meet WCAG success criteria?


Received on Monday, 1 December 2014 14:50:31 UTC