RE: For you: A webpage that is 100% accessible to all people around the world, regardless of nationality or disability or Assistive Technology

When I was a kid, my dad used to ask me 'how do you keep a turkey in
suspense?', which used to annoy me a lot.

I never did find out the answer...

-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 2:35 PM
Cc: Katherine Mancuso; Judy Okite; Bryan Garaventa; Mark Sadecki; WAI
Interest Group
Subject: Re: For you: A webpage that is 100% accessible to all people around
the world, regardless of nationality or disability or Assistive Technology

The page is basically a joke, playing on the idea that there is no such
thing as a 100% accessible page; it's blank, with empty HTML source. Given
how many people in the community are viewing on mobile -- or are using
screen readers and are used to theoretically accessible pages that report
nothing back to them -- it's worth being more explicit about why you can't
access the page. :)

Deborah Kaplan

On Thu, 14 Aug 2014, wrote:

> apparently only if using windows
> Bob
> On Thu, 14 Aug 2014, Katherine Mancuso wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:06:06 -0700
>> From: Katherine Mancuso <>
>> To: Judy Okite <>
>> Cc: Bryan Garaventa <>,
>>     Mark Sadecki <>, WAI Interest Group 
>> <>
>> Subject: Re: For you: A webpage that is 100% accessible to all people 
>> around     the world, regardless of nationality or disability or
>> Technology
>> Resent-Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:06:54 +0000
>> Resent-From:
>> Functioning as expected. You'll want to "view source" of the page you
>> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Judy Okite <> wrote:
>>> the website is not opening on my end, please...
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> *'Chance Favors the prepared mind'* - Louis Pasteur
>>> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 11:19 PM, Bryan Garaventa < 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Ah, woops???
>>>> You are welcome to add that one in J
>>>> *From:* [] *On 
>>>> Behalf Of *Mark Sadecki
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:18 PM
>>>> *To:* Bryan Garaventa
>>>> *Cc:*
>>>> *Subject:* Re: For you: A webpage that is 100% accessible to all 
>>>> people around the world, regardless of nationality or disability or 
>>>> Assistive Technology
>>>> Bryan,
>>>> This can???t be right.  At no point have you even considered the 
>>>> reradicating, octally repeating, sesquidecimated equinox factor.  
>>>> Once considered, the accessibility percentage should round nicely to
>>>> Best,
>>>> Mark
>>>> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:58 PM, Bryan Garaventa < 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Recently, somebody asked me to show them a website that was 100% 
>>>> accessible, so I figured it would make a good experiment. Sort of a 
>>>> thought experiment I guess...
>>>> So I built a webpage that is 100% accessible to all people in the 
>>>> world equally, regardless of nationality, disability type, or 
>>>> Assistive Technology used.
>>>> Enjoy! It's available at
>>>> Happy testing.
>>>> With this 100% accessible baseline to start from, the accessibility 
>>>> percentage for all web technologies everywhere, scales downward to 
>>>> account for requisite variables, so that no web technology anywhere 
>>>> can be 100% accessible as a result.
>>>> To demonstrate this, I also wrote the following algorithm, that 
>>>> calculates the general percentage of accessibility for any given 
>>>> web technology.
>>>> X = (1 * Disability-Type * Browser-AT * Site-Interactivity * 
>>>> Site-Complexity * User-Experience)
>>>> P = (Hardware * ((((1 * OS-AT) - X) * Accessibility-Level) + X)) * 
>>>> 100
>>>> P is the general Percentage of accessibility calculated for a 
>>>> particular website or web technology feature, which is based on the 
>>>> following estimated values for each variable in the formula.
>>>> Disability-Type
>>>> 0.01: Deaf-Blind + Motor-Impaired
>>>> 0.1: Deaf-Blind
>>>> 0.2: Deaf + Motor-Impaired
>>>> 0.3: Blind + Motor-Impaired
>>>> 0.4: Partially Sighted + Motor-Impaired
>>>> 0.5: Motor-Impaired
>>>> 0.6: Blind
>>>> 0.7: Deaf + Partially Sighted
>>>> 0.8: Partially Sighted
>>>> 0.9: Deaf
>>>> Browser-AT
>>>> 1: No AT
>>>> 0.98: Internet Explorer + JAWS
>>>> 0.93: Internet Explorer + NVDA
>>>> 0.95: Firefox + JAWS
>>>> 0.98: Firefox + NVDA
>>>> 0.95: Safari + VoiceOver
>>>> 0.6: Chrome + JAWS
>>>> 0.7: Chrome + NVDA
>>>> 0.95: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome + Dragon
>>>> 0.98: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome + ZoomText
>>>> 0.9: Internet Explorer or Firefox or Chrome or Safari + Braille 
>>>> Display
>>>> Site-Interactivity
>>>> 1: Contains All Static Elements
>>>> 0.9: Contains Interactive Features
>>>> Site-Complexity
>>>> 1: Simple
>>>> 0.95: Medium
>>>> 0.9: Complex
>>>> User-Experience
>>>> 1: Advanced
>>>> 0.95: Intermediate
>>>> 0.9: Beginner
>>>> Hardware
>>>> 0: None
>>>> 1: Computer
>>>> OS-AT
>>>> 0.001: No AT
>>>> 0.99: Windows + JAWS
>>>> 0.99: Windows + NVDA
>>>> 0.99: Windows + Dragon
>>>> 0.99: Windows + ZoomText
>>>> 0.99: iOS + VoiceOver
>>>> 0.99: OS X + VoiceOver
>>>> 0.9: Windows or iOS or OS X + Braille Display
>>>> Accessibility-Level
>>>> 0.98: Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when
>>>> applicable) + WCAG Compliant
>>>> 0.3: Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when
>>>> applicable) but not WCAG Compliant
>>>> 0.3: Fully Keyboard Accessible but not ARIA Standards Compliant 
>>>> (when
>>>> applicable) + WCAG Compliant
>>>> 0.2: Fully Keyboard Accessible but not ARIA Standards Compliant 
>>>> (when
>>>> applicable) nor WCAG Compliant
>>>> 0.1: ARIA Standards Compliant (when applicable) but not Fully 
>>>> Keyboard Accessible nor WCAG Compliant
>>>> 0.01: Neither Fully Keyboard Accessible nor ARIA Standards 
>>>> Compliant (when applicable) nor WCAG Compliant
>>>> (More constants can always be added or adjusted)
>>>> For example:
>>>> (1 * .6 * .95 * .9 * .9 * .9) = 0.41553
>>>> (1 * ((((1 * 0.99) - 0.41553) * .98) + 0.41553)) * 100 = 97.85106
>>>> So roughly calculated, a Blind person(.6) using 
>>>> Safari+VoiceOver(.95) accessing a website that Contains Interactive 
>>>> Features(.9) that is
>>>> Complex(.9) when the user is a Beginner(.9),
>>>> in combination with Hardware(1) that includes iOS+VoiceOver(.99), 
>>>> upon a website that is
>>>> Fully Keyboard Accessible + ARIA Standards Compliant (when 
>>>> applicable) + WCAG Compliant(.98), will have a general 
>>>> accessibility Percentage of 97.8.
>>>> Like I said, these are just estimates, but I thought it would make 
>>>> an interesting experiment.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Bryan


Received on Thursday, 14 August 2014 21:38:01 UTC