Re: Access Keys as a means to passing 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

Hold down the control key and the caret symbol (hat) to reveal the hot
keys. This symbol can be found above number 6.

On 10/16/12, David Hilbert Poehlman <> wrote:
> This is a nice example and you are correct that help pages are not good but
> the example does not work on my mac, unless I'm doing something rong, when I
> press control, nothing happens.  On the other hand, it should be noted that
> the help tip can be gotten but I don't have an alt key to fire the access
> keys.
> On Oct 16, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Devarshi Pant <> wrote:
> I think help guides to get information on access keys should be discouraged.
> There are smarter ways to get this information, for example, Social Security
> Administration’s (SSA) best practices library recommends the use of a
> control key to reveal hot keys. Go to the page at
> -- Press
> the control key to get the information.
> -Devarshi
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Vivienne CONWAY <>
> wrote:
> Hi David
> Thanks for that.
> I find that when access keys are used, they are often very well-hidden and
> only people 'in the know' realize they are even there.  As you said,
> normally they are described in a separate page/link.  Putting the link to
> the description and purpose of the keys is often more cluttered than just
> using well-placed skip links.  At least with skip links most people know how
> to use them and their purpose is clear.  If only we could get people to have
> them always visible - yes, I know it clutters the top.  However I have seen
> it done very successfully so I just think we need to be more open to having
> the accessibility features visible - demonstrates our desire to make things
> easier for people.
> By the way, I'm still not sure why headings satisfy this criterion.  If you
> rely on the heading, it then requires subjective analysis to determine if
> the headings are sufficient to enable people to satisfactorily skip the
> repeated content.The headings only help screen reader users, not people who
> rely on tab control or have low vision.
> Regards
> Vivienne L. Conway, B.IT(Hons), MACS CT, AALIA(cs)
> PhD Candidate & Sessional Lecturer, Edith Cowan University, Perth, W.A.
> Director, Web Key IT Pty Ltd.
> Mob: 0415 383 673
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> ________________________________________
> From: David Woolley []
> Sent: Tuesday, 16 October 2012 2:41 PM
> To: Vivienne CONWAY
> Cc: Harry Loots; Userite;
> Subject: Re: Access Keys as a means to passing 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
> Vivienne CONWAY wrote:
>> Question - do you believe that the provision of access keys would
>> produce a 'pass' grade for 2.4.1?
> For an inside page of a site which people have to log in to, and
> normally access frequently, maybe.  For a page that could be reached by
> search engines, by unfamiliar users, you would need to explain the
> access key at the top of the page, and that would probably be more
> intrusive to the design than a skip link.
> On an earlier point, if a user has to follow a special link to find
> accessibility features, they are only going to do so if they are
> desperate to access the site, or they are going to be  frequent user.
> Normally these are done as a sop to accessibility with the hope that
> they won't disrupt the design.  Often they just tell you how to use the
> general accessibility features of mainstream browsers.
> --
> David Woolley
> Emails are not formal business letters, whatever businesses may want.
> RFC1855 says there should be an address here, but, in a world of spam,
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> liability for the accuracy of the information provided.
> --
> Jonnie Appleseed
> With His
> Hands-On Technolog(eye)s
> touching the internet
> Reducing Technology's disabilities
> One Byte At a time

Devarshi Pant

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 03:46:56 UTC