Using tab stop on important text

When a tab stop is on important text that shows an outline, like on a
heading, it can help with navigation. Some scenarios where this can be
beneficial follow:
1. Page headers could have a tabindex attribute of zero (sequential
focus navigation) allowing keyboard only users to access important
sections in the page, without having to tab extensively.
2. Certain blocks of text (e.g. ‘Disclaimers,’ ‘Policy,’ ‘Alerts,’
etc.) that users may skip inadvertently could have a tabindex
attribute, ensuring keyboard focus and a tab stop.
When the same thought carries over to form labels, it is often
unwarranted and fraught with issues. Should this practice of putting a
tab stop on important text be encouraged? It’s prudent use could be
justified with a WCAG technique.


Received on Monday, 28 November 2011 21:32:10 UTC