Re: How to make in-page links work.

On 8 Aug 2005, at 7:16 PM, Terrence Wood wrote:

> On 8 Aug 2005, at 2:31 PM, Jim Thatcher wrote:
>> targets of in-page links contained in elements "with width defined"  
>> worked from the keyboard.
> I wonder if this means for anchors where the 'hasLayout' property is  
> set?

I've just finished (unscientifically) testing IE6 and the keyboard  
focus bug and here is what I determined:

Using the keyboard IE6 will focus to the closest div or span element  
that is the parent of a target - either an element with an id, or a  
named anchor -  where the div or span 'hasLayout' property is set to  
true. The div or span may itself contain the id being targeted. It  
appears that div and span are the only elements that receive focus via  
this method.

Authors can set 'hasLayout' to true a number of ways (see MS's  
documentation [1]). The most common method, used by CSS authors to  
clear floats, is to set the element height at 1%, or by setting the  
width to any value as already noted.


kind regards
Terrence Wood.

Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2005 04:46:50 UTC