Re: Testing Checkpoint 6.1 of WCAG 1.0: Style sheets

I completely agree with Tina:
>   In my view it is impossible to automate this process. My best tip is
>   to use a browser which allow you to turn off stylesheets completely.

A consideration related to this that I have been wondering about is:
How bad is it to mix CSS and HTML presentational markup?

Obviously, the ideal is not to use presentational markup in the content 
or structure (i.e. HTML), even just for maintainability. But in 
accessibility terms, who does this affect?

I guess that it would affect people who have user style sheets, but is 
there anyone else?

Also, if someone is using their own style sheet, are they able to 
remove/ignore HTML presentational markup?

Kind regards,



Alastair Campbell   |   Director of Research & Development
0117 929 7333       |

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