Accessibility 'Primer' Required

  Hi All

I have recently experienced a Web site with a Java
applet as a shopping card.  I regard this as an
accessibility issue as anyone with out a JVM attached
to their browser will not be able to use the facility,
irrespective of the accessibility of the applet itself.

Although I could explain at length why this constitutes
an accessibility problem, advocate that I am, it takes me
too long and doesn't pay the bills.  I would like to be
able to point people, who just about understand the Web,
to a short and sweet resource that will convert them and
<humour> make them promise to be better people for the
rest of their lives </humour>.

Any suggestions?

If it is of any affair, the site is Australian and the
offending applet is from the USA and therefore regarded as
being accessible because the USA has the strongest
accessibility legistlation (sic).

Last point: was at OzeWAI last week - that conference
rocks!  Anyone in the Asia-Pacific region who feels that
they are an accessibility voice howling alone in the
wilderness should consider attending.



Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy
South Australia

Received on Monday, 8 December 2003 05:40:30 UTC