Re: RE : link in new window debate

On 19 Nov, wrote:

> Might as well throw out one more example that shows new windows are not necessarily a
> problem - lack of expectation, consistency, and notification are.  If I code a mailto
> link, a new window will open - period, no user control - no author control - no announcing
> a new window will open.  If this is OK, why isn't a link that informs the user a new window 

  What on *Earth* makes you think a mailto: link will open a new window?
  I can tell you in no uncertain terms that it won't in MY setup, and
  I'm not even disabled.

  A "new window" will only open IFF

    - There is a window-based GUI,
    - The UA knows the mailto: protocol,
    - The mail client can be started with an address as an argument,
    - The UA knows HOW to start the client with the address,
    - Everything is correctly configured.

  The difficulties with mailto: links have been debated back and forth
  before - they are not ideal. I don't accept your example.
 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 15:07:49 UTC