Re: Using Frames - what problems do screen readers have?

About 2 years ago I received a somewhat petulent personal email from a
Microsoft employee during a "we hate frontpage" thread on this discussion
group (now "in frames" on my office wall as I was so proud to have rattled
cages in such hallowed halls!!'s next to the downright stroppy one
from big blue)

Anyway, the main problem with frames is you have to keep adding bits to the
coding, no problem if you know html, but in this drag and drop world we live
in it is fast becoming a lost art in many everyday web designer circles. The
more you add to a page the longer it takes to come down the line.....easy
when you are on ISDN or Broadband, but many people in digital divide world
are still on 56k modems....or worse, and say what you like, frames do slow a
page down as the server rushes about it's hard drive building the pages when
requested to do so. And the more you add the longer the process gets.

Why, put three wings on an aeroplane when one will do the job? but they did.
Why put 4 front wheels on a racing car when the rest of the world made 'em
with two? but they did.

However these concepts never lasted.

Most disabled people in the world that access the internet do not have Jaws,
most disabled people in the world that access the internet do not have super
fast state of the art computers.

Do you really want an accessible website or do you want to do the minimum to
satisfy a piece of unintelligent software and grab the logo?

Paul Davis
(will never get sponsorship!!)

Received on Monday, 17 November 2003 18:12:47 UTC