Re: ALT as required attribute

Hi All

David Woolley wrote:
> Mozilla substitutes the alt text for disabled or broken graphics and 
> reflows the resulting text as though the image weren't there.  I would
> have thought that made checking alt text easier.  (Turning off images
> won't necessarily cause existing ones to disappear.)

I tend to keep all graphics in a specific directory - turning off the 
read permission of the directory is a good way of seeing all the alt 
attributes in Mozilla, throughout a site.

To maintain corporate fonts, logos, etc., I create company names in 
their appropriate font as graphics, duplicating the image text in the 
alt atribute.  When these are inserted into h1 elements (since they are 
page headers), things look amazingly 'normal' and clean in Mozilla once 
the images are blocked.  I find this a very handy way of getting a feel 
for the site in a graphic-free environment.



Matthew Smith
IT Consultant - KBC, South Australia

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2003 04:23:44 UTC