RE: User agent support of SUMMARY attribute in tables

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Phill Jenkins wrote:

> >But it should do as AccessValet does, and offer the user the ability
> >to mark the guideline as satisfied or (as in the case of summary for
> >a layout table) Not Applicable.  That is, of course, after issuing the
> >warning.
> How does AccessValet know the next time it is checking the site that the
> table is "Not applicable"?

Why is it re-checking the site?

If a page hasn't changed since the last report, then we assume that
any existing record is still valid - unless of course you want to
re-check from scratch.  If the page has changed, then I'm afraid it
doesn't have a smart way of telling whether the change affects the
need (or otherwise) for a summary attribute.

>	  Does/could  it leave some keyword in the
> Summary attribute, such as "Layout"?

No.  It's a reporting tool, not a repair tool.  Its very limited repair
capabilities don't run to inserting missing attributes.

Nick Kew

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 15:52:49 UTC