JavaScript and Accessibility

WAICAG, checkpoint 6.3 [priority 1], tells us that a web page should be usable if the user agent has turned the script object off or does not support it, e.g. JavaScript.

I try to live up to this guideline, not because of the guideline, but because it gives me a nice feeling of BEST PRACTICE, of having a sound and solid foundation to build on.

But I would like to know if it actually benefits anybody:

1) Do we have any users with disabilities that have to use a user agent not supporting JavaScript?
2) Why do some people want to use a no-JavaScript browser like Lynx?
3) Why do we not have a similar guideline about scripts in Section 508?

Best regards,
Jesper Tverskov


Received on Thursday, 12 June 2003 08:17:10 UTC