Re: proper coding or use for mdash

Well, according to the specification each speaker should be marked with a q

<p><q>I had a good time in lisbon</q></p>
<p><q>but I thought you were in Venice</q></p>
<p><q>Oh, yes, silly me. I meant to say venice dear</q></p>

This is supposed to generate the proper punctuation according to language /
locality, but I don't know how smart browsers are about it.


On Mon, 11 Mar 2002, clorisval pereira jr. wrote:

  In some portuguese language literature books, the mdash is often
  used to indicate changes between characters in a dialogue.

  for example:

  John and Mary were talking about their vacation.
  -- I had a great time in venice.
  -- Did you see many historical places?
  -- No, I had spent most of time from one restaurant to another.

  I would like to know what should be the proper way to markup
  dialogues like this, using accessible HTML, without changing the
  original text. Does using the entity &mdash; alone suggests it
  is a dialogue?

  I would appreciate your thoughts or comments.

  best regards,
  clorisval pereira jr.

Charles McCathieNevile  phone: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Monday, 11 March 2002 14:47:06 UTC