Re: Netscape

> If Netscape doesn't support the <label> tag, then how is it possible to
> create a form that is accessible?

It's a specific requirement of HTML that browser that don't recognize
the starting tag for an element should ignore both the starting and
ending tags, but not the content of the element.  In most cases, this
should result in a degraded, but usable rendering of the page, unless
the element was a form control, which label is not.  (Script tends to
break this rule, which is the reason for the comment hack; but script
doesn't really fit well with the HTML model anyway - script in the 
body should probably have been done as processing instructions, like
it is done in PHP.

As far as I know, NS4 doesn't recognize the <label> tag, so it should
render the lable element contents as normal text.

Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2002 03:14:05 UTC