Re: Web Accessibility and the Law for businesses

> technology accessible to people with disabilities.  To what extent do you
> believe that the private sector (non-government, non-education) will face
> similar legislation?  Can you refer me to any resources / articles on this
> subject?

Please see the reports of the Sydney Olympics web site prosecutions.

IANAL, but I believe that UK and US law both require employers to provide
suitable tools for disabled employees, which would include intranet web pages
and might require that they chose suppliers such that required external 
pages are accessible.

Of course, like health and safety legislation, these tend not to be strongly
policed and employees tend not to reduce their employability by suing their
employers, or hassling them internally.

Please note that this list is international.

Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 09:14:41 UTC