Re: Animated GIFs and accessibility guidelines

There may be some system config or other differences that make David's 
results different from mine, but I think the "skip to" link is working 

When I hit it, it moves the focus past the (left-side) navigation links, & 
starts reading with "Welcome to Bobby 3.2". The thing that might be 
disorienting is that there are still a few links ("About Bobby", "FAQ", 
etc.) that appear after the "skip to" target. (Actually, searching for 
"topcontent" in the page source will show you exactly where the internal 
link is pointing.)


At 10:32 AM 2/15/01, ADAM GUASCH-MELENDEZ wrote:
>Do you know of any work-arounds for the disorientation problem? Is there 
>anything web designers can do to help re-orient you, or is it just a 
>limitation of the currently-available technology?
> >>> "David Poehlman" <> 02/15/01 01:22PM >>>
>in answer to your question of whether or not we can find the skip
>link, yes.  I can click on it but for some reason as with many
>internal links, using jfw 3.7 and ie5.5sp1 I become disoriented as to
>where I am on the page when I follow them.

Received on Thursday, 15 February 2001 16:54:52 UTC