Another JavaScript question!

Thanks for all the great assistance with making JavaScript "pop-up" help
usable with a text-only browser.
Now I am looking for examples of the opposite kind...

Can anyone point me towards sites where the JavaScript is of the sort that
even with IE5+ and JFW 3.7 the pages are inaccessible?
I am looking for examples where:
(1)  a screenreader cannot get at text, and/or
(2)  buttons cannot be tabbed to (that is, they must be activated by the
mouse cursor).

Also, if people can advise as to what the code would use to create these
highly inaccessible pages, I would be most appreciative.

For what it's worth, the "onClick" attribute is not what I am looking for.
Said links can be tabbed to and activated with the return key!

Thanks very much.
-- Bruce Bailey

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2000 15:54:07 UTC