Fwd: The $2M Alt Tag

I'm pleased to see that awareness of accessibility is slowly
increasing in the web design world!


>The Seven Habits of Effective Web Sites
>FOR SALE: ALT tags for your site. Cost: $2 million,
>backordered with 12 months delivery. That's IBM's
>estimate to make their Olympic Web site more
>accessible. Stephanos Piperoglou ponders this
>and other matters in the making of great Web sites.
>Andrew B. King                 internet.com Corp.
>andrew@internet.com            http://www.internet.com
>Managing Editor                2020 Hogback Rd. STE #4
>http://www.webreference.com    Ann Arbor, MI 48105
>http://www.javascript.com      734.971.7906 v 734.975.9184 x

Kynn Bartlett                                    mailto:kynn@hwg.org
Board Member, HTML Writers Guild                 http://www.hwg.org/
AWARE Center Director                    http://www.awarecenter.org/

Received on Thursday, 21 September 2000 16:00:09 UTC