Re: verifying accessibility

At 2000-07-18 13:43-0400, Massey, Nancy wrote:
>As I review the page, my first thought is I can't read the links on the 
>left hand side because they are too small. I do not have a disability, but 
>I am myopic. When I run my mouse over the link hoping that the alt tag 
>text will pop up and help me, nothing happens, which leads me to believe 
>there is no alt text. But when I view the code, I can see access key 
>information and titles and some heavy coding to make the site accessible. 
>Now I am confused.

I note that text enlargement in IE 5, Opera 3.61 and NSN 4.7 does not change
the size of the pop-up alt-text over images.

Opera 3.61 superimposes the frames. It also shows a dynamic display on the top.

This site takes a long time to load.

I would not praise it as a good example of an accessible site for low-vision.

Regards/Harvey Bingham

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2000 19:11:37 UTC