RE: URL attached this time. Still seeking evaluation.

Joe, several comments.

1.  The black background may cause problems.  What happens if someone sets 
the default fonts to be black.  The visited links to red?
2.  The green text may be difficult for people with vision problems.  When 
you select colors you need contrast, dark on light or light on dark
3.  I am anti-frame because you cant bookmark the page and printing and 
saving file problems caused by the various browsers.  But their use is up 
to you and your audience.  I do like the way the photos scroll.  Dont get 
me wrong, I really like the frame solution, but thier maintenance on large 
sites can be a problem, especially if you have new people or a turnover 
coupled with the above mentioned problem make them a less desirable 

rob neff

-----Original Message-----
From:	Joe Night []
Sent:	Wednesday, January 20, 1999 11:07 AM
Subject:	URL attached this time. Still seeking evaluation.

Yes. I are very, very dumb.
It would help if I attached a URL.

If any of you can take a moment and give this web site your thought, I'd
appreciate it. It changes throughout the day as the issues seem to change
that quickly.

(Some of today's issues are rethinking the need for a d-link,
Complexity of menuing and pages, implementation of tables for layout and
for navigation menus, and I'm still concerned about the "back" button.)

All feedback is welcome.

Best regards,
Joe Night

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 1999 11:37:58 UTC