simple & understandable

Seems to me that being simple and understandable on highly complex issues 
is not a real possibility.  You wouldn't give the same presentation to a 
middle school science class that you would to a PHD seminar on 
astrophysics.  One must cater to a certain degree to the likely audience. 
 The only thing you can reasonably demand is that the material be 
accessible not understandable.  Demanding otherwise implies a positive 
responsibility to educate all people everywhere in everything.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Anne Pemberton []
Subject:	Re: tired of this thread

<snip> 2) change the current status of the guideline for "simple and 
understandable" text from "recommended" to "required"</snip>


Received on Friday, 18 June 1999 11:01:30 UTC