Braille and web orientation

to follow up on what Hakon Lie said:
> One question: In braille printouts, is it customary to put these page
> references into into a running header or into the text flow? Is there
> other conventions in braille printing we should be aware of?

I believe they are often used in headers.  Sometimes the running headers
are only included in the Braille page when the print page changes.

Some of the resources that I think provide an orientation to Braille
usage that helps with what we need to do with the Web formats are
listed below.  We don't have a definitive requirements statement.
But I think these materials give a good idea of the shape of the

-- Al

Lloyd Rassmussen did a good job of introducing WebHeads to life
with Braille in a note on the lynx-dev mailing list, archived at from July to September 1997 by thread


Received on Saturday, 8 November 1997 11:04:41 UTC