Re: Extension conflict/compatibility requirement

Hi Gregg,

On 10/21/15, Gregg Vanderheiden <> wrote:

> Where is there  a list of the actual SC we have so far for
> any extensions? I  went though the docs and there were
> lots of places where there was a title that said Success
> criteria X  but then there was no SC below it. Just general
> advice or techniques.
> How many do we have?

The COGA TF has a first draft of an extension proposal [1] for the
full WCAG working group to review via survey [2]. The draft currently
has 11 proposed Success Criterion.

1. Enable adaptability
2. Timed event should be avoided
3. Use a clear structure
4. Use clear visual affordances
5. Use a clear writing style
6. Minimize the cognitive skills required to use the content when
there is an alternative that achieves the same ends
7. Be predictable
8. Provide rapid and direct feedback
9. Help the user understand the content
10. Help users complete and check their work
11. Help the user maintain attention

Kindest Regards,


Laura L. Carlson

Received on Sunday, 25 October 2015 16:38:16 UTC