Error on HTML4 TH ID and TD HEADERS page

Sorry, not sure who this should go to

In the following content there are a number of "TD ID" which should be "TH
ID" (

(Begin quoted text)

Below we mark up the travel expense table with category information:

<TABLE border="1"
          summary="This table summarizes travel expenses
                   incurred during August trips to
                   San Jose and Seattle">
  Travel Expense Report
  <TH id="a2" axis="expenses">Meals</TH>
  <TH id="a3" axis="expenses">Hotels</TH>
  <TH id="a4" axis="expenses">Transport</TH>
  <TH id="a6" axis="location">San Jose</TH>
  <*TD* id="a7" axis="date">25-Aug-97</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a7 a2">37.74</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a7 a3">112.00</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a7 a4">45.00</TD>
  <*TD *id="a8" axis="date">26-Aug-97</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a8 a2">27.28</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a8 a3">112.00</TD>
  <TD headers="a6 a8 a4">45.00</TD>
  <TH id="a10" axis="location">Seattle</TH>
  <*TD* id="a11" axis="date">27-Aug-97</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a11 a2">96.25</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a11 a3">109.00</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a11 a4">36.00</TD>
  <*TD* id="a12" axis="date">28-Aug-97</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a12 a2">35.00</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a12 a3">109.00</TD>
  <TD headers="a10 a12 a4">36.00</TD>

(End quoted text)


Received on Monday, 14 April 2014 02:19:39 UTC