Review comments for PDF15

I suggest changing the last sentence of the description to "In PDF
documents, submit buttons are normally implmeneted using a tool for
authoring PDF." Otherwise, it sounds like "this" refers to generating
the HTTP request.

Before the first example, add something like:
Examples 1 and 2 demonstrate how to add a submit button using specific
authoring tools. There are other PDF tools that perform similar
functions. Check the functionality provided by {link to Applications
that Produce Accessible PDF in the PDF Techniques Overview}.

In the Related Techniques, Providing interactive form controls in PDF
documents links to the wiki, and we don't seem to have that technique
listed. Should this be replace by links to PDF10: Providing labels for
interactive form controls in PDF documents and PDF12: Providing name,
role, value information for form fields in PDF documents?

The submit button on the live example has no visible label (although
there is a label for AT users!).

Can we change the alt text so that they don't say "Image showing XXX"
. "XXX" is a more appropriate value. This happens in most but not all
of the images in this technique.

Remove the second option in the test procedure. It is already covered
by the third option.

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 01:27:02 UTC