action items



Here's two action items. Unfortunately I've been unable to log into the W3C
site at the present time so I've put them below.



David MacDonald


Action: Write a response to Clayton for 



Short Name: Avoiding confusion in navigation.



The objective of this technique is to avoid confusion in navigation. The
approach is to use familiar, commonly used controls and presentations of
location, and to avoid novel, unfamiliar methods.







Thank you for your technique submissions:

We believe that some of the advice offered in this suggested technique is
found elsewhere in the standard. For example:


3.2.3 Consistent Navigation: Navigational mechanisms that are repeated on
multiple  <> Web pages within a
<> set of Web pages occur in
the  <> same relative order each
time they are repeated, unless a change is initiated by the user. (Level AA)

3.2.4 Consistent Identification: Components that have the
<> same functionality
within a set of  <> Web pages are
identified consistently. (Level AA)


The proposal is not testable and therefore cannot be added as sufficient.
However we have added an advisory future link to technique to 3.3.2 "using
familiar, commonly used controls and functions"


Action: Add a future link advisory technique to 3.3.2 entitled "using
familiar, commonly used controls and functions" 



Submitter's Name: Yvette Hoitink 
Submitter's Email:
Provide a text message that identifies the error
Thank you for your technique submission. Technique G139 for the final draft
of WCAG 2.0 contains this recommendation.   
And thank you also for your hard work when you were a member of the working


Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 20:10:20 UTC