Bugzilla Issue 2718 (Spelling/Grammatical Error) Proposed Resolution

For Bugzilla Issue 2718 [1], I propose acceptance of the requestor's
proposed change, but wouldn't it be clearer if  the Situation B for
"Understanding SC1.4.3" title read: "text is greater than or equal to 18
point if not bold and greater than or equal to 14 point if bold"?   This
wording seems more consistent with Situation A wording and makes it clearer
that all possible scenarios are covered by Situations A and B together..  I
have updated Bugzilla entry with "Tim proposes acceptance - awaiting Group
decision?  Hope it's OK to do this - if not please let me know and I will
rescind entry ..


Thanks and best wishes

Tim Boland NIST


[1]: http://trace.wisc.edu/bugzilla_wcag/show_bug.cgi?id=2718


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 13:10:11 UTC