F2F Progress

Below are some of the proposals coming out of the Face to Face meeting


These are not yet consensus decisions but are being explored toward that end
by the working group.


Some of these are re-affirmations to be sure there is consensus. 


Additional information and proposals will follow on some topics. 


Comments welcome


minutes <http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/2006/10/25-27_ftf-minutes>  of the Face to
Face Meeting.

Font scaling   

Proposal on font scaling issues: 

1.     if we can find proper wording, there should be at least one SC
dealing with font scaling 

2.     If we can find proper wording, there should be a SC at least at Level
3 that deals with scaling and reflow (font and other?) 

3.     Investigate drafting a SC that talks about not interfering with the
font-related accessibility features of UAs 


Proposal on testability requirement:

If it's a SC to which you must conform, it must be testable. 

General applicability   

Proposal on general applicability requirement:

Everything at L1 or L2 can be applied to all web content. 

Seizure disorders   

Proposal for change in approach on seizure disorders:

Explore recasting the pixel measurements about region on a screen that can
trigger photosensitive epilepsy seizures into "angle of view". How to Meet
describes how to calculate, and sufficient techniques provide pixel
measurements for common use cases (e.g., standard monitor at standard
viewing distance). Author must make assumptions about user environment, 

SC 1.3.4     (Text variations)

Proposal on SC 1.3.4:

SC 1.3.4 should be folded into SC 1.3.1, with text descriptions provided as
a fallback technique when a technology does not provide a mechanism to
describe a relationship. 


Proposal on baseline issues:

Proceed with developing a hybrid baseline approach that includes rules for
using technologies and sufficient techniques for conformance. 

GL 4.2   

Proposal on Guideline 4.2 issues: 

1.     Move handling of alternate versions from 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 to
conformance (there is a logic flaw by keeping 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 in as success
criteria; content that is suppose to pass 4.2.1 and 4.2.3 would fail all or
some of the other success criteria) 

2.     keep 4.2.2 and 4.2.4 as success criteria 

Level AAA Conformance   

Proposal on Level AAA issues: 

1.     AAA conformance means all applicable level 3 success criteria are met

2.     Those making conformance claims can report progress towards higher
level if they specify particular success criteria they have met. 

3.     No A+ or AA+ claim languages, only A or AA etc. 

User-contributed content   

Proposal on user-contributed content: 

1.     Definition of User-contributed content: 

*	content from a person/entity who is not compensated for the content
that is included automatically in web content and where the content is not
edited except for censorship 

2.     Provide an exception for user-contributed content from conformance
claim  if author constrains user-contributed content to plain text, or
provides means for user to submit conforming content

Aggregated content   

We are defining what accessibility means. We want to do it in a way that is
usable by legal entities so that they don't go make up their own - but we
don't need to get into their territory any more than is a natural part of
ours. Proposal for aggregated content: 

1.     Conformance claims only by Primary Resource (Web Page/unit) 

We discussed allowing  "subclaims" and inheritance of those claims.   In the
end we decided to remove inheritance implication.  We did think providers of
content should document what did or did not meet conformance to help

Web unit vs web page   

Proposed consensus on web unit/page terminology: 

Use "web page" unless we can't make it work 



Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. 
Professor - Depts of Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr.
Director - Trace R & D Center 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
< <http://trace.wisc.edu/> http://trace.wisc.edu/> FAX 608/262-8848  

DSS Player at http://tinyurl.com/dho6b 




Received on Wednesday, 1 November 2006 22:21:29 UTC