Re: TECH: WCAG version 1.0 guideline 1.5 image maps and 10.5 adjacent links

> 1)       I tested an image map that had Alt-text for each region
> 2)       An image map with Title attribute for each region.

*And also* alt? You need alt to have valid code.

> MS Internet Explorer works fine. Both JAWS and HPR had no problem with the
> image map. When a title was present it superseded the Alt-Text.
> Jaws had trouble in Opera, Netscape and Mozilla.

Jaws only works adequately in IE/Win by design. (The Moz/Netscape
developer tells me they still have trouble getting Jaws to work with more
standard, nonproprietary APIs.) Not a fair comparison.

> So if we are going to support all leading browsers we can't retire this
> item.

The browsers handle it fine. Jaws is arguably a broken user agent in that
it won't work with anything but IE. And where was Window-Eyes in all this?

I think we *can* retire the item, though, because it was pointless,
redundant, and actively hostile to the capabilities of HTML itself and to
Web designers in the first place. Besides, if Jaws only works with IE/Win
and you had no trouble with that combination, then it works as Jaws was


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Wednesday, 21 January 2004 11:39:11 UTC